DeafDigest - 05 October 2011

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 5, 2011 -- New Zealand tells the deaf to listen for radio announcements Worried about the deaf being unaware of incoming disasters
(earthquakes, tsunamis, etc) the government emergency officials
told deaf people to listen to the radio for updates and
announcements. This is hard to believe.

-- Must use the telephone to make an appointment for
a citizenship interview!
A deaf resident of Malaysia was denied in his application to
become a citizen. It was not because he was deaf but because
he missed the citizenship interview. All applicants must
telephone to make an appointment for a citizenship interview.
This deaf man was not aware of it because no one told him he
had to find someone to make the telephone call for him!
The Malaysian law states that people could only apply for
citizenship once every five years, and this deaf man has
to wait until 2016! Already, activists are screaming at
the government in his favor.
-- To be able to hear or to be able to taste, your choice! A deaf British woman was recently implanted at the age of
40, and she was thrilled about being able to hear. But she
lost something else - the ability to taste food. For some
reason, the operation robbed her of the taste sense! This
means when she eats, she does not know if the food is
delicious or lousy. How did this happen is a Medical
  -- Are deaf filmmakers lucky in United Kingdom? We have many deaf Americans interested in filmmaking and
also in Great Britain. The British Sign Language Broadcasting
Trust, howebrt, offers deaf British filmmakers a chance to
win £4,500 ($6,930 in USA dollars) earmarked towards their
filmmaking expenses. There is no such a contest in USA.
Deaf Brits luckier than us?

-- Which deaf football team is in a Subway video? The Subway is featuring its High School Hero program that will
be shown on the Facebook and Youtube. Subway elected 10 different
high schools - one showing a cooking team, a robot-building team,
a deaf football team, etc. Which deaf football team is it? There
are 30 schools for the deaf with football teams this season. And
the team is at:

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