DeafDigest - 05 October 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 5, 2016   -- deaf passengers get help In Worcester, a town of some 95,000 residents in Great Britain, deaf passengers on a bus are getting assistance. These passengers can use special cards that the bus operator can see and know of their needs, especially getting off at the right stop. A picture is at:   -- Australia still refuses deaf to serve on jury The Australian High Court ruled that the deaf cannot serve on jury. The court implied it has nothing to do with being deaf, but of no existing laws in the country allowing the deaf to serve. Deaf people are angry, pointing at USA and New Zealand as countries allowing the deaf to serve.   -- deaf may have weakened Japanese criminal gangs Criminal gangs have been a problem in Japan for many years. But nearly 30 deaf people, victimized by these gangs, filed a lawsuit - and won. As a result the judge has fined the gangs nearly $200,000,000 in Japanese money. People are saying the fine will wreck these gangs.     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- job, toughest in India 10/02/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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