DeafDigest - 05 October 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 5, 2021 -- perfectly-acted deaf roles by hearing actors A movie critic said some movies feature "perfectly-acted deaf roles" by hearing actors. Really? Hearing actors that struggle with ASL and then forget ASL when they move to next movie roles, are such examples. The deaf in in the audience would immediately know they are fakes. Hearing people would not know and "praise" them for being authentic!   -- The Fair Housing Center for Metropolitan Detroit is angry The Fair Housing Center for Metropolitan Detroit is angry and has filed discrimination lawsuits against many, many area senior living homes. Testers were hired by the agency to act as a family members of the deaf in search of senior living residences - asking if interpreters would be available for the deaf upon request. These residential operators said no, thus opening the door for lawsuits against them.   -- an answer for hearing people that doubt the deaf A deaf professional has this answer for hearing people that doubt their high level skills because of their deafness. This answer is: talk directly to me; the interpreter does not talk for me, but to tell you what I am saying to you and to tell me what you are saying to me.   Deaf jobs - latest update 10/03/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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