DeafDigest - 05 September 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 5, 2019 -- announcement but years to implement A New York City subway system made a big announcement, that digital screens will be captioned for the benefit of deaf passengers. Yet it will take several years for all such screens to be installed at stations and in all cars. Announcement is one thing; implementation is another thing. Ever so frustrating!   -- percentage that watch captions A captioning advocate said more than half of people that watch captions are not deaf. True or false?   -- lipreading machine A lipreading machine? A joke? Well, there is a tech company that is developing an app that can read people's lips, among other things. Purpose is to allow financial clients to access their own on-line records. 96 percent success rate with access is what developers are saying.     Deaf jobs - latest update 09/01/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:  

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