DeafDigest - 06 April 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 6, 2016 -- a big drive to save a deaf TV show (picture) Popular TV shows get cancelled all the time. This is the way business works with the TV industry - but when Switched At Birth was to be cancelled after the 2017 season, the viewers did not accept it. They are working behind the scenes to try to find a way to get the series continued. A big problem, though, is that if the series continue, we will be seeing "high school age" performers pushing their thirties and showing face wrinkles! A picture is at:   -- Obama's deaf people President Obama has two deaf women working in the White House - Leah Katz-Hernandez, whose job title is Receptionist of the United States or ROTUS. The other deaf woman is Claudia Gordon, an attorney, who works with the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. These two deaf women were featured in a BBC story. Come November we will find out who our next president will be. This leads to a big question - will the new president keep both deaf women? White House politics being what it is, a new President may sweep out the old administration people. Or maybe - a twist - the new President could replace both deaf women with new deaf women!   -- a strange request in South Africa A disabled South African activist made this request - that all newspaper interviewers, wanting to interview the deaf, must learn sign language! Is this a joke? It takes years to master sign language and an interviewer cannot learn it in five minutes just for an interview! Why not just hire an intepreter? Possibly because the confidence in interpreters in South Africa is low.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) deaf federal prosecutor 04/03/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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