DeafDigest - 06 April 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 6, 2017 -- a Deaf Microchip inside hand Could a Deaf Microchip be inserted into a deaf person's hand? Don't laugh. There is a big newspaper story of a company in Sweden inserting microchips into employees' hands for such tasks like opening doors, activating the office printers, ordering soft drinks, etc. What could a Deaf Microchip do? Maybe help with voice to text and from text to voice communications? Possibilities could be endless! A picture is at:   -- finally after four attempts Sujitha, a young deaf woman, living in a small village in India, was not able to get a national ID card. She needed that card to get the government services and benefits she was entitled to. She made four trips to the local government office but with no luck. When her story hit the newspapers, the embarrassed village official promised to give her the card.   -- too many voice to text/text to voice apps Do we have too many voice to text software apps? Do we also have too many text to voice apps? Seems every week there are always stories and announcements of hearing students developing these apps to help the deaf with communications. These apps are important - but too many! It only creates more confusion as to which app is the best. It is the same as going into a super drug store, wanting to buy one toothpaste, but seeing as many as 15-20 different brands and models!     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- interpreting issue, sticky 4/02/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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