DeafDigest - 06 April 2020

DeafDigest Blue - April 5, 2020
Blue Edition - updated every Monday
Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 23rd year
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Last week's ASL Videos in youtube:
This week's ASL videos in youtube:
Top stories about the deaf:
Deaf advocates of Nigeria are saying that deaf people
do not understand public announcements on how to use
safety tips during this pandemic.
There was a story in a New Jersey newspaper
about funding issues with the Mountain Lakes High School
which houses a regional school for the deaf. Something
to do with improperly classifying the funds that
would go to the school from various school
districts in the school's location.
The deaf of New Zealand are upset that some hearing
people, having never seen an interpreter in action
on the stage, would mock them! This took place
during Covid-19 announcements.
In Canada, the TV program - Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist
is popular. One new episode involved the deaf in a
"deaf dorm" on the campus of a hearing college.
Don't know if the deaf dorm is a reference to one
of deaf post-secondary programs in USA or is just
a fictional one!
MacMurray College, Jacksonville, IL, is closing
up for good. This college had a well respected
Deaf Education program which produced teachers
and educators for the deaf over the years.
Some deaf school superintendents have graduated
from MacMurray.
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weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions: (updated every Monday)
This week's ASL video in youtube
    What is a Dog Leash Vibration? A deaf person's
dog would howl when he hears sirens from fire truck
or police car.
    The howl causes the dog leash to vibrate! This
tells the deaf person that the dog howls for a
This week's ASL video in youtube:
Lip reading tale
A hearing foodie was talking about desserts with
a deaf foodie
The deaf foodie thought the hearing foodie said:
I love claire
The hearing foodie actually said:
I love eclair
This week's ASL video in youtube
    At a hearing college many years ago a deaf student
was very fat.
    His hearing friends begged him to go on diet and to
watch what he eats. He refused.
    They made a bet with him, a lot of money, that he
has to lose weight to win the bet.
    The hearing students told him he must lose 50
pounds. The deaf student, lipread the words and
thought it was 15 pounds.
    There was almost a big fight because the
deaf student refused to pay off the bet over
a misunderstood word!
This week's ASL video in youtube:
Due to the coronavirus outbreak, a national emergency was declared on
March 13, 2020. The FCC has rules about televised emergency information
being accessible.
How do we know what needs to be captioned or made accessible in some other
The FCC website has a page that is devoted to Accessibility to Emergency
Information on Television. It says that emergency information is intended
to help protect life, health, safety, or property. One example of this
information is related to community situations such as pandemics.
To provide access for people who are deaf or hard of hearing, emergency
information provided in the audio portion of programming must be provided
either using closed captioning or other methods of visual presentation,
such as open captioning, crawls, or scrolls that appear on the screen.
For postings, announcements and employment ad rates,
please email
News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago:
DeafDigest dedicates John Forsythe who departed us.
Yes, Forsythe was not deaf - but in the early
days of closed captioning in the eighties, not too
many TV programs were captioned. Dynasty became
our most popular captioned program. Deaf
organizations knew better not to schedule
meetings on the evenings this program was aired!
John was probably the first hearing actor that
deaf people hated - because of his
wicked and scheming ways in these Dynasty
News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago:
It never changes in South Africa. Two years ago deaf people
were angry about a fake interpreter. And now this - many
deaf people attended a disability summit only to have an
interpreter not show up. As a result, the event was
cancelled rather than to face the ire of the Deaf and the
Disabled Community.
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Copyright 2020 by Barry Strassler, DeafDigest.

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