DeafDigest - 06 August 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 6, 2018   -- deaf man stranded at train station Jamie Dow, who is deaf, was not aware that the train he took would not stop at his station, but at another station, a long distance away. An electrical problem forced the train to change routes and it was announced on the PA system, but no one told the deaf man about it. A hearing person knew about the deaf passenger and was frantically looking for him to tell him about the change of routes, but couldn't find him. As a result, he was forced to walk home at 1 AM from the other station. It happened in Glascow, Scotland. ADA laws in USA would not have allowed it to happen because of visual displays. A picture is at:   -- advice for house-hunting deaf parents An advocate of the deaf gave this advice for deaf parents, of young children, that are house hunting: Make sure the house walls can be removed so that they can see their children playing around. Walls easily hide these children   -- deaf attending school for the blind Berks Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (Pennsylvania) is now celebrating its 50th anniversary. Stories and tales from these early days were swapped. One such story was about a group of deaf children attending a school for the blind; they were taught by a blind teacher! For some reason, these children did not attend Pennsylvania School for the Deaf or even the Scranton State School for the Deaf.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf psychologist's disagreement with Deaf Culture 08/05/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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