DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 6, 2019
-- deaf, not dead
An angry advocate said:
being deaf is not a death sentence
That advocate is correct.
-- ADA lawsuits target these five industries
According to an ADA article, the five industries
have been targeted for discrimination lawsuits -
food services, hotels, stores, entertainment
and financial services.
-- special sound effects help top deaf gamer
Soleil Wheeler, AKA Ewok, just 13 years old
and deaf, is considered one of the world's
best gamers. She plays with Faze Clan, again
one of the world's toughest gaming organizations.
Gamers depend on sound while gaming. Ewok is
deaf, but she depends on special sound effects
that alert her to "enemies" invading her turf.
Deaf jobs - latest update
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