DeafDigest - 06 December 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 6, 2013   -- we have many deaf Pizza delivery drivers We have many deaf drivers for Domino's, Papa John's, etc. One time years ago a deaf Papa John's driver delivered pizza to the home of the DeafDigest editor. Yet, Kyle Riess, a young deaf man, was fired from his job with Domino's near Philadelphia. Why was he fired? Because he could not use the voice telephone to handle the orders! Discrimination? Yes, and he is filing a lawsuit. A deaf attorney said Domino's will lose the case for sure. DeafDigest hopes he wins big money.   -- A new TV channel for the deaf and hard of hearing Sorry, not in USA, but in Slovenia, formerly part of the old Yugoslavia, a Slovenian telecommunications provider, T-2, is creating a new channel for the deaf and hard of hearing. It is called Tipk TV and it provides daily news in Slovenian sign language, and it is managed by deaf and hard of hearing people. The press release didn't say if it is 24/7 and if there are captions - because many deaf and hard of hearing people do not use sign language! Why don't have it in USA? Three reasons - money, money and money!   -- a threat by a deaf man to sue the town council In Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, a deaf man was accused of having a dangerous dog. He was given a ticket by the police and asked to come to the council meeting to discuss this matter. The interpreter did not show up. The town council voted to proceed with the case even without an interpreter. The deaf man got angry and threatened to file a lawsuit. The town council changed its mind and agreed to postpone the case, hoping to find another interpreter. Why did the town council vote to go ahead? Because several witnesses showed up and the council did not want to tell them to go home!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 12/01/13 Blue edition at: 12/01/13 Gold edition at:

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