DeafDigest - 06 February 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 6, 2013 -- A deaf question in a Jeopardy program Jeopardy had a deaf question, and the answer was "What are Girl Scout cookies?" It was about Savannah, GA not permitting Girl Scout cookies to be sold on the city streets in 2011. After so many complaints, the city council changed its mind and allowed cookie sales. How is it deaf-related? Juliette Gordon Low, a deaf woman, founded the Girl Scouts in 1912.     -- These Super Bowl ads We, the deaf, complain every year that not every Super Bowl ad is captioned. Yet there was a big newspaper story about some Super Bowl advertisers that go broke and go out of business. Maybe this is the reason why some of them don't caption their ads. After paying millions of dollars on an ad, there is no more money for captions! Hard to believe? Yes!     -- Dangerous for deaf to deliver mail? Is it dangerous for a deaf person to deliver mail? It should not be - but Graham Duff, a deaf mailman in Fife, a small town in Scotland, was bitten by a dog. He could not hear the dog barking and was bit. The police has given the owner a ticket for allowing dog to run loose. Duff, still upset, has not delivered mail since then. We have heard many stories of dogs chasing mailmen. But this one about the deaf is the first DeafDigest has known about.     -- A deaf person not allowed to race horses? A deaf man from Ontario, Canada wants to become a horse racing jockey. He enrolled at a horse racing school to learn to become a jockey. The school said deafness was not a problem, but later changed its mind. The case is now with the Ontario human rights commission. Rick Macomber, a deaf man, races horses in Indiana but it is trotters, not thoroughbreds, two different types of races.     -- Forbes Magazine honors a person that works with the deaf Forbes Magazine is a popular magazine for important people in business and politics. Every year this magazine announces top honors for business people and politicians. In the past people that are deaf or work with deaf have never been honored until this year. Ohki Junto san, not deaf, is the president of ShuR Group in Japan. This agency helps the deaf with their needs. Forbes has honored him as one of the Top 30 people in the world under age of 30.     02/03/13 Blue edition at: 02/03/13 Gold edition at:

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