DeafDigest - 06 February 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 6, 2014 -- another shocking news from Japan! Yesterday, DeafDigest mentioned that Mamoru Samuragochi, the well-known "Japan's Beethoven" admitted to copying musicals from other composers. It was also learned that he was never late-deafened! He was telling people that he was late-deafened, but people that worked with him on musicals, said he was never deaf at all! This Japanese musical scandal continues!     -- deaf misery in extremely hot weather What is Deaf Misery in extremely hot weather? We all hate Hot Weather, no matter if we are deaf or hearing. But for a certain group of deaf people, extremely hot weather is hated! Why? An Australian advocate of the deaf, said that Cochlear Implants are very uncomfortable to wear in these hot weather days - example - 110 degrees!   -- ADA allows unauthorized interpreters The ADA requires authorized, certified interpreters at all times, and cannot force the deaf to use friends or family members to serve at interpreters for them. There is one exception - that ADA will allow unauthorized interpreters, If there is an emergency that threatens the safety of everyone, and if an authorized interpreter is not immediately available, then it is OK to use an unauthorized interpreter. Of course, the unauthorized interpreter must step out when the authorized interpreter shows up! Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 02/02/14 Blue edition at: 02/02/14 Gold edition at:

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