DeafDigest - 06 February 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 6, 2018     -- a strange police-deaf incident a 911 call told the police to come to the house of a deaf person, who threatened to be in a danger to himself. No one told the police that the person was deaf. Even a family member, who entered the house to try to communicate with the deaf person, never told the police of his deafness! Luckily the police, one way or other, eventually found out the person was deaf - and they were able to solve this situation with no one getting hurt! a picture is at:   -- a possibility with Wikipedia The Wikipedia is an on-line people's encyclopedia. Anyone can go into Wikipedia and write something about anything. There is a real worry among Wikipedia advocates that the Wikipedia management may remove some articles. Brought up as an example was Alexander Graham Bell, who won a patent for inventing the telephone - but at the same time strongly opposed to ASL. Scientists want to keep Bell because of the telephone; ASL people may want to remove Bell because of his opposition to sign language.   -- fake-deafness in Nanakuli Nanakuli is a town in Hawaii. Years ago tourists thought everyone in Nanakuli were deaf! They were not deaf; they could not offer tourists food and drink as part of the Hawaiian tradition. The area was poor and the natives were not able to get enough food to feed the tourists, as they wanted to save the food for their families. As a result they pretended to be deaf so that tourists can't ask them for food and drink. The name - Nanakuli is divided into two meanings; Nana means "look" and kuli means "deaf."     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- public auction with hearing friend 02/04/18 Blue and Gold editions at:

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