DeafDigest - 06 February 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 6, 2020 -- two choices in filing a complaint When there is a violation (no interpreter, no captions, etc) the deaf person has two choices. Most common choice is filing complaint with U.S. Department of Justice, but there is a scond choice - to directly file a lawsuit in the courtroom (not involving the Justice). Which is the best choice? There are always pros and cons.   -- a troublesome explanation A museum in Utica, NY had this explanation: Movie screenings will feature Open Captions for the benefit of our deaf guests. Please be aware that this service is not always available from the film distributor This is troubling. Why would the museum select a certain film if they know captions are not available? Why not select one of the films that are already captioned?   -- witness communicating in ASL with accused deaf person A deaf person committed a crime, and police was called over. But before the police arrived, the witness, that knew ASL, communicated with the deaf person. When police arrived, the witness told them what the deaf person said. This would lead to problems - are comments by the witness, as a third person, without presence of the police, be admissable? Would attorneys challenge these comments?   Deaf jobs - latest update 02/03/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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