DeafDigest - 06 January 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 6, 2017   -- two way radio and deaf job applicant Deaf people cannot use two-way radios. A deaf person applied for a job. The job description required use of two way radio. Deaf person was not offered a job for that reason. He filed a discrimination lawsuit - and won! The judge said that the employer must find a way for the deaf person to function on the job - without - using two-way radio. A picture is at:   -- newspaper story is unfair A newspaper story said: Why some people turned down a 'medical miracle' and decided to stay deaf This is unfair. Placing a CI on an older deaf person, who has never learned to understand speech, is not a medical miracle. Yes, that person may hear loud noises - but will not understand voices (face to face, telephone, radio, etc). CI is ok if the deaf person wants to follow loud noises. But if the deaf person does not want to be bothered by loud noises, then CI may not be the best idea!   -- Netflix's 2016 best horror movie DeafDigest has mentioned Hush, as a horror movie involving a deaf character (unfortunately played by a hearing person). This "deaf" horror movie was mentioned in a press release as Netflix's best 2016 horror movie. Just wish it was played by a deaf actor.     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf customer service representative 1/01/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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