DeafDigest - 06 July 2011

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 6, 2011

-- Our professional deaf poker players

The biggest event among professional poker players is
the World Series of Poker. A few deaf players have
taken part in the series over the years, but only one,
Radu Junc, won some money. The rest were wiped out.
David Chiu, who is hard of hearing and is not part of the
Deaf Culture, has won two major poker championships during
these series.

-- An ugly choice: more computers or more teachers

Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind was faced with an
ugly choice, because of budget problems. Either the
school has to cut down on use of computers to save
money - or to lay off more teachers. The school then
decided computers had to go!

-- Crossing these five Great Lakes

Brenda Lussier, a deaf woman from Ontario, is hoping
to become the first deaf swimmer to cross all of five
Great Lakes (Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario).
This would be her second attempt. The first attempt was
called off in 2009 because of thunderstorm. Her web site

-- Invited to a big wedding

A big wedding tookplace last week - the marriage of
Albert II, the Prince of Monaco and Charlene, Princess of
Monaco. Among the invited was Terence Parkin, a past Olympics
and Deaflympics swimmer, and his wife. Did Terence really
know Prince Albert II? Not really; it was his wife
Ingrid Gail Foggitt Parkin that is a friend of Charlene,
since they're both from South Africa. Charlene, by the way,
is the director of a school for the deaf in South Africa.

-- Who made these fake calls with the relay service?

These fake relay calls have hurt all of us, because
banks, financial institutions, big shops and other businesses
have hung up on us. Who made these such calls? Crooks and
scammers? Possibly but there was a story of several students
from Miami University (Ohio) calling each other on these fake
relay calls! Yes, many college students love to pull pranks
with each other, but it need not to be at the expense of us,
the deaf.

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