DeafDigest - 06 July 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 6, 2018   -- interpreter shows up only to tell deaf employee of being fired A deaf woman workd for Costco for much of her adult life. She had excellent work record with a different supervisor. The new supervisor didn't like her and had her fired. The cruel irony was that when she asked for an interpreter for staff meetings and training sessions, Costo refused. Yet, Costco hired an interpreter just to tell her she was being fired. She sued and won. Costco didn't say if they will file an appeal. A picture is at:   -- loving a deaf puppy but not wanting to adopt A deaf puppy fell down a 50-foot hole in Alabama. It took firefighters 30 hours to get the puppy out. Everyone fell in love with the deaf puppy and cheered when it was rescued - yet no one was willing to adopt this puppy! Go figure.   -- big challenge to interpret press conferences An interpreter said press conferences are a big challenge. The interpreter must sign and use body language in a way that it reflects on the speaker but without making it too obvious. And when there are questions and comments from the audience, the intepreter must clearly identify who is saying this or that!     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- comment by hearing person that hates captions 07/01/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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