DeafDigest - 06 June 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 6, 2015 morning -- our certified deaf interpreters Certified Deaf Interpreters (CDI) is a new field that came up in past 10-15 years but did not become visible until in recent years. This summer will witness the first national conference of CDI's. How many CDI's do we have? Hard to say, maybe 150 of them, but the number is growing. Possible to make a full time living as a CDI? No. Must hold a real job while doing CDI on the side. Friction between interpreters and CDI? Not surprised.     -- remembering a sub order A deaf man was a regular customer at one Subway place in Washington, DC. He moved out of the area about 3-4 years ago. Only recently he came back to the same area, and went to his favorite Subway hang out. He was surprised when the sandwich-maker immediately made him his favorite sandwich - without asking. It was the right order, thus shocking the deaf patron. Apparently sandwich makers do not remember hearing faces from 3-4 years ago but do remember deaf faces from 3-4 years ago!       past Mid-Week & morning editions: 5/31/15 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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