DeafDigest - 06 March 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 6, 2013 -- Anti-deaf comments same as racism A past DeafDigest mentioned that British semi pro soccer player Daniel Ailey was mocked by fans because of his deafness. Ailey was so angry that he almost got into a fight with these fans. Anyway in a newspaper story last week he said that anti-deaf comments are the same as racist comments. Ailey is black plus deaf and he knows what racism is all about.     -- A trick to control discussions in hearing meeting A deaf person in a hearing meeting often has hard time knowing which person is speaking out. Yes, the interpreter will point out the hearing person but hearing people talk fast back and forth.  It is not easy to know who is talking and at same time watching the interpreter. One deaf person has a trick - a rubber ball. The hearing person who speaks out holds the ball and when another hearing person speaks out, the ball is given to him and so on. Makes it easier for the deaf person.     -- Food and Drug Administration approves artificial retina treatment Artificial retina for the deaf-blind? The FDA has approved a treament, called artificial retina. It could allow some deaf-blind to see the sidewalk, pots on the stove, people, cars, big letters. etc. This experiment started 20 years ago but it had to wait a long time for the government approval.     -- The Deaf Pilots We have deaf pilots; some of them are members of the Deaf Pilots Association. They meet from time to time at deaf pilot fly-ins to discuss flying and stuff. Well, The Deaf Pilots are going to work on a full length album (musical songs). Do our deaf pilots sing songs together? No. It is The Deaf Pilots, a group of hard rock hearing musicians touring USA and is ready to produce a new musical album. The Deaf Pilots is hearing; the deaf pilots is deaf.     -- Traveling 100 miles to watch a captioned movie! Do we, in USA, drive 100 miles one way to watch a captioned movie? Probably not - because more and more movie houses have captions one way or other. In Ireland some deaf people are not so fortunate, especially in Laois, a county in the northern part of the nation. The nearest movie house with captions is in Newbridge, 70 miles away and in Dublin, 100 miles away.   03/03/13 Blue edition at: 03/03/13 Gold edition at:

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