DeafDigest - 06 May 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 6, 2014   -- only Cued Speech student in the whole state there was a story in a newspaper about a mother saying that her deaf child is the only one in Colorado that is learning Cued Speech. Does DeafDigest believe it? No!   -- Department of Transportation questions these Deaf Child signs When we are driving, we often see these Deaf Child signs. It asks us to slow down. The U.S. Department of Transportation is now saying these signs are confusing. This agency may be right - because in Maryland there was a deaf child sign that was posted 35-40 years ago. That deaf child has moved away and is now at the age of 45.   -- what the captioner is afraid most of? All captioners have this fear. That their finger would be cut and bleeding in a kitchen accident. When a finger is cut and covered with bandage, it makes more difficult for captioners to operate their computer smoothly at high speeds. When this happens, these captioners have to find last minute substitutes! In fact many of these captioners do not play softball out of fear of injuring their fingers.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 05/04/14 Blue edition at: 05/04/14 Gold edition at:

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