DeafDigest - 06 May 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 6, 2015   -- a nice surprise for a police department In Waupaca County (Wisconsin), a deaf couple came to the police station and gave them a stack of sign language booklets. These booklets have simple sign language gestures for the police to communicate with the deaf for any reason. Each police officer now has the copy for quick reference. Why not interpreters and why the booklets? Yes, interpreters but it normally takes them at least 30 minutes to arrive at the scene - hence these booklets!     -- Health First Pharmacy to serve the deaf The Health First Pharmacy will be serving the deaf; the staff has been trained on how to communicate with them. It is a pharmacy with chains located across the nation. Where is that pharmacy? Sorry, not in USA but in Dubai!     -- a deaf irony in Wales Wales (part of the Great Britain) has a bad reputation for discriminating against the deaf. The Department of Work and Pensions is an agency in Wales which more or less functions as our SSA. This agency gives out deaf devices for the deaf people in need. Anyway, this agency has a deaf employee and he asked his agency for this deaf device. His reqeust was denied - because people that work for that agency are not eligible to receive deaf devices!   past Mid-Week editions: 5/3/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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