DeafDigest - 06 May 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 6, 2016   -- a play is a bad deaf joke "Twelve Angry Men" was an all-time famous story, a TV play in 1954; a theatrical play in 1955 and then a movie in 1957. Since then this story has been shown many times through different adaptions. The most recent adaption is a bad deaf joke. It shows a deaf man as one of the 12 angry jurors. And it also shows an interpreter for the deaf juror. It is a sick deaf joke because the director of this local adapted play in Oregon could not find a real deaf actor, so had to use a hearing actor for that deaf role. That hearing actor knew no ASL, but had to show "ASL" in that play. What good is a fake-interpreter if the fake-deaf actor could not sign at all! For a picture of a fake stage fight, go to:   -- be careful when parking the car in garage A deaf husband and wife were found dead in their house in Cincinnati. They forgot to turn off the engine in their car after entering the garage. In 1968, NAD leader Hal Ramger died the same way, not turning off the car engine. It was a big story in the Deaf Community at that time. Hearing people may hear the engine and then run back to garage to turn it off. So, for the deaf, just make sure the engine is turned off.   -- Again, Canada is stubborn Last year, a hearing mother, from the Philippines but employed in Canada, wanted to bring her deaf daughter into the nation. Canada said no, saying deafness is a taxpayer burden. When the public screamed, the government backed off and allowed the deaf girl to come to Canada. It is happening again with another hearing mother and her deaf daughter. Canada again said the same thing - deafness is a taxpayer burden.     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- World War I - big deaf role 05/01/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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