DeafDigest - 06 May 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 6, 2020 -- sign language: verbal or non-verbal Is there a difference between a verbal sign language and a non-verbal sign language? A newspaper interview touched on this subject. Verbal sign language is ASL. Non-verbal sign language is not ASL but contains signs that everyone understands - thumbs up; OK; thumbs down, etc. Is it same as Gesture Sign Language? Something for linguists to get into a hot debate over this issue!   -- a message on a Deaf Mask A deaf employee at a work place was required to wear a mask. This led to serious communication problems. To solve this problem, he wrote on the mask: I am deaf. I read lips. I know sign language. I can write notes with you. Presto, problem solved!   -- no two deaf clubs are the same A deaf person that belongs to several deaf clubs said that no two deaf clubs are the same. He said that in one club, the members want to play cards or table games, whereas in another club, the members want to discuss politics (both deaf politics and hearing politics).     Deaf jobs - latest update 05/03/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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