DeafDigest - 06 October 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 6, 2016 -- best Deaf Horror movie for Deaf Halloween For some reason Deaf Filmmakers do not produce Deaf Horror movies as there are some deaf people that love horror movies as much as some hearing do. Halloween is coming up, hence these horror movies. There was a posting today that said "Hush" is the best Deaf Horror movie. Deaf? Well, deaf character Kate Siegel is not deaf, but play-acted deaf. Why wouldn't the movie producers hire a deaf actress for that role? Very simple reason - Kate and her husband co-produced the movie! A picture is at:   -- hearing aid fell out during arrest A deaf man was arrested by the police in New Hampshire. There was a scuffle during the arrest, and the deaf man's hearing aid fell down to the ground. The deaf man then yelled for the cop to be careful with the hearing aid on the ground. What did the cop do? He kicked away the hearing aid! No respect for the deaf!   -- help for deaf in crossing the railroad tracks It is always a mystery when a deaf person is hit by a railroad while crossing the tracks. Deaf people can see and should be able to look both ways before crossing the tracks. To prevent this from happening, a communications company in Great Britain has come up with a new app that warns the deaf when a train is coming up.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Interpreters, objections by theaters 10/02/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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