DeafDigest - 06 October 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 6, 2020 -- employers that reject deaf do not explain why Deaf people apply for jobs, knowing ADA is on their side - yet they get rejected. And because of legal issues, these employers do not have to explain why they were turned down! In that case, ADA may be possibly a joke in job hunting.   -- a comment by a movie producer Michael Madsen, not deaf, is a movie producer and he made this comment: I don't like to make any character a villain This is great - because his most recent production involved a deaf character. In the past, many movie producers would cast a deaf character as an evil villain. Yes, times have changed, in small steps.   -- a rare deaf person in restaurant industry there are always restaurant success stories in that a hearing person would start out as a dishwasher and then over the years become a chef and then eventually as restaurant owner. What about the deaf? Well, Ken Tan, who is deaf, started his restaurant career as a dishwasher but moved all the way to the top as restaurant owner!   Deaf jobs - latest update 10/04/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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