DeafDigest - 06 September 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 6, 2013   -- a beauty advice for deaf women that are ASL signers A deaf woman, an expert on beauty and make up tricks, has an advice. She advises deaf women that use ASL to polish their finger nails with a bright polish. That way, deaf people can follow the ASL signs. DeafDigest editor that knows it is a personal beauty choice with women - both deaf and hearing.   -- deaf father of hearing son twice refused interpreters A deaf father visited two big colleges with his hearing son who was interested in enrolling as a student. Twice he asked these colleges for interpreters and was refused each time. They told him "we cannot find an interpreter for you". A deaf attorney said there is no excuse for a big state university to refuse interpreters, by saying "we cannot find one". He also wonders if the college will use it as an excuse in the court!   -- a police department finds money for deaf emergency equipment Deaf emergency equipment at police stations and emergency centers are expensive - over $100,000. Many police departments and many cities are broke - so how would they find money for our emergency communications needs? For the Zanesville Police Department (Ohio), it was easy, without using tax dollars. Funds seized through drug arrests were used to purchase deaf emergency equipment for that police department!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 09/01/13 Blue edition at: 09/01/13 Gold edition at:

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