DeafDigest - 06 September 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 6, 2018   -- two things wrong with a new movie Hollywood is coming up with a new movie - El Tonto. Two things wrong! A hearing actor is playing a fake-deaf role. And a press release described the fake-deaf character as idiot deaf mute! Despite efforts by the deaf and disabled advocacy groups, Hollywood continues to call us "deaf mute" and to cast fake-deaf actors. A picture is at:   -- deaf-whistle for the deaf Is there such a thing as deaf-whistle for the deaf? An inventor came up with a special whistle that would transmit whistle sounds to deaf people's CI, alerting them to the whistle signal.   -- treating the deaf worse than treating hearing There was a story saying that Customer Service people are terrible. They treat hearing customers terrible. Is it possible that they treat deaf customers even worse? Customer service reps, with bad attitude, may give relay service interpreters hard time (hanging up on them or refusing to help deaf clients, etc), or not being too helpful on chat lines. When big companies are hiring people, no one wants to work in Customer Service unless they are not able to get jobs elsewhere.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- the Goya irony 09/02/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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