DeafDigest - 07 April 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 7, 2014 -- the best deaf driver in the workplace Muneeb Ahmed, a deaf British man, has a job that we may not find any other deaf person doing it - driving a taxi! In Derby, a British city of some 250,000 people, many taxi customers specifically ask for him and no one else. He had two tough obstacles to overcome before his employer - Pride Executive Cars - hired him. He had to know every single Derby street and every single Derby alley. And he had to overcome the objections of one of the company partners on hiring him. Said the objecting partner - "he is one of our best drivers and he has proved me totally wrong"   -- a funny movie about two deaf characters Versa Effect is a new short film about two deaf individuals that go to sleep and wake up, finding that their bodies have been switched. This movie has been produced by a deaf film director and have been shown at deaf clubs. If this short film is scheduled to be shown in your area, do not pass it up.     -- hating Bieber hurts a deaf child Many people hate Justin Bieber so much that they won't place a bid on a shoe he has donated. Ayla-Mae Hemms, a British deaf child, was scheduled to have a CI surgery in USA but lacked the funds for it. When Bieber heard about it, he donated one of his shoes. Despite intense efforts to solicit bids for the shoes, the fund raising goal fell so far behind the target. Perhaps if Taylor Swift donated her shoes, the fund raising target may have been met! Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 04/06/14 Blue edition at: 04/06/14 Gold edition at:

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