DeafDigest - 07 April 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 7, 2020 -- Canada pushes out deaf actors There was a newspaper story, titled: Canada is failing its Deaf artists It cited Dawn Birley as an example. Born in Canada and a graduate of Gallaudet, she has lived in Finland for the past 20 years - where conditions were much better for her as deaf actress as opposed to living in Canada!   -- advice for deaf in hospitals during pandemic Make sure there is a sign posted on the wall saying that you are deaf. Make sure you bring your iPhone or Smartphone (with battery recharger). Make sure you have VRI apps on your iPhone. Make sure the hospital wi-fi system works. Make sure you have pens and notepads. Make sure you have extension cord in case your bed is too far from the wall outlet. If doctors and nurses give you hard time, demand to meet with the hospital top administrator.   -- famous hearing actress accused of being a thief Angelina Jolie is one of the world's most famous actresses. She has been accused of being a thief, stealing an idea of a character that was portrayed in the movie - The Eternals. Making the accusation, of which intellectual theft lawsuit has been filed is Antoinette Abbamont, a deaf teacher, producer and actress. Keep in mind Jolie is not exactly popular in Hollywood.     Deaf jobs - latest update 04/05/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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