DeafDigest - 07 August 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 7, 2019 -- anti-bias training not 100 percent attended A newspaper story said that only 94 of 508 Lincoln Police Department (Georgia) received anti-bias training. We are talking about less than 20 percent being trained. Why? Bad attitude or bad apathy or laziness?   -- misleading headline A headline said: App that helps deaf communicate without sign language Huh! There are many deaf people that do not sign and also have no speaking skills!   -- watching a movie; three options A Frederick, MD activist said that for a deaf family to watch a movie, there are three options, not all of them pleasant! First option is - wearing glasses (that can get quite uncomfortable and what if glasses break down) Second option is - watching captions on a screen (can easily miss the action while watching the captions and what if screen does not operate well) Third option is - go to an open captioned movie (yes, best option only if the showing is shown at a convenient hour and at a theater near the family's home). No one wants to drive 30-40 miles away to an open captioned theater; and no one would skip work to watch an early hour movie! And what if the projector operator forgets to turn on the captions. DeafDigest adds a fourth option - wait, wait and wait for the movie to be shown on cable TV. It may, or may never! And, yes, the cable operator may forget to turn on the captions.     Deaf jobs - latest update 08/04/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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