DeafDigest - 07 August 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 7, 2020 -- not that so easy to teach themselves ASL There have been stories people trying to learn ASL as a hobby. It is always difficult to learn ASL (both expressive and receptive) and when people say it is so easy, they do not know what they are talking about!   -- not easy to find qualified superintendents It is normal every year to see turnovers in superintendents of deaf schools. And it is never easy to find qualified replacements! A school said, in a newspaper story that ten people applied for the vacant position. Eight of them did not meet the job qualifications. Two of them did, but just did not meet the ASL fluency requirement. What this means is back to Square One or back to the Drawing Board.   -- Telehealth does not caption chats with deaf patients We have Telehealth. The problem is that this group does not caption the conversations with the deaf patients. Discrimination? Very much so! American Medical Association raised his issue, but will it do anything about it?   Deaf jobs - latest update 08/02/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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