DeafDigest - 07 December 2011

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition,  December 7, 2011 -- A deaf couple kicked out of apartment for being too noisy In Germany, a deaf couple was kicked out of the apartment for being too noisy. Yes, deaf people may sometimes make more noise than hearing people. But in the couple's case, it was their fault! The deaf couple turned on music full blast every night because they wanted to feel the vibrations! Luckily for them the city officials found another apartment for them. The couple said they have learned their lesson and not turn on music full blast again. -- 200 text messages to complete a divorce case Wang Hong and Zhang Hai, deaf spouses, wanted to get divorced in China. Because of problems with interpreters and with communications in a courthouse in Tianjin, the judge allowed them to use text pagers. After 200 text messages back and forth, the judge then granted the couple a divorce! -- A deaf choreographer of a hearing dance group The most important person in a dance group is the choregrapher. He arranges the dancers' movements on the stage to work with the music. Everything must be perfect. If anything messes up, it is the choregrapher's fault. Impossible for a deaf person to be a choregrapher? Well, in London, Chisato Minamimura, a deaf woman, who cannot follow music, is a successful choreographer and has been nominated for awards. How does she do it? She said music is visual for her. And her methods are somewhat of a mystery, but it works!   -- Marriage between the deaf and the deaf Marriages between the deaf and the deaf are pretty much common and accepted in USA and everywhere in most of the world. Not that so in Saudi Arabia! This nation looks down on the disabled people, the deaf included - and even worse, looks down on marriage between the deaf and the deaf. This is why DeafDigest is grateful that we are Americans and are free to do what we want to do. -- The best makeup artist in Boston is deaf Liana Carlan, a deaf woman, won the Boston Makeup Artist of the Year honor. She will be entered in the National Makeup Artist of the Year competition, with other regional makeup artist winners. Exactly what is a makeup artist? It is a person that works with the human body to make performers look good for the theater, TV, movies, fashion, magazine pictures, etc. Also if you see a Frankenstein in a movie, it is the makeup artist that does a lot of work.     -- position opening Program Director Pressley Ridge School for the Deaf Pittsburgh, PA more information at:

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