DeafDigest - 07 January 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 7, 2021 -- Covid-19 responsible for a big influence For years and years hearing people paid no attention to our sign language, our interpreters and signed news, etc. They are now much more aware of our sign language - because of these many interpreted Covid-19 press conferences on TV. They see sign language everywhere they go!   -- small group within large family dining table An interpreter came from a large family. The only family members that knew ASL was her deaf mother and her younger sister. The others - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins all knew ZERO ASL. Why wouldn't they be willing to pick up some ASL to communicate with the smaller ASL-signing group? It is always a big family mystery.   -- A scary Covid-19 sign up form for vaccine shots In Florida, a deaf couple wanted to sign up for Covid-19 vaccine shots. They were scared for one reason - the forms they had to fill out did not ask if they were deaf. The form did ask for their home phone nunmbers. Possibly in haste to get the forms printed out and distributed the public health officials neglected to take into consideration that there are deaf people that want to take shots.   Deaf jobs - latest update 01/03/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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