DeafDigest - 07 July 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 7, 2014   -- Marlee Matlin is part of Jerry Seinfield's greatest TV episodes There is a celebration right now, honoring Jerry Seinfield's 25th TV anniversary. Even though his program was cancelled in 1998, there are Seinfield re-runs everywhere. TV critics made a list of Jerry Seinfield's best episodes. One such episode involved Marlee Matlin; because of her deafness, Jerry thought she was an expert lipreader, in which she was not, but which led to laughs among these TV viewers.   -- a deaf ASL-signing football coach at a big public school DeafDigest mentioned in the past that Kevin Bella, who is deaf, and uses ASL, was the assistant football coach at Mission San Jose HS in Fremont, California. He has moved on - becoming the head junior varsity coach at nearby Irvington HS. It is a big public school of 2,100 students. Said Kevin "we are getting ready for this fall season."     -- a politician's hearing aid trick Eric Williams, the past prime minister of Trindad & Tobago, served in this position for 19 years. He had a hearing loss and wore a hearing aid. His political opponents would complain that when they tried to discuss an issue, Eric would remove his hearing aid. Without his hearing aid, he just could not hear anything at all. He did that all the time, which only angered his political opponents!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 07/06/14 Blue edition at: 07/06/14 Gold edition at:

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