DeafDigest - 07 July 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 7, 2017     -- a wish by a visually-impaired hearing manager Wiriya Namsiripongpan, not deaf, is a visually-impaired manager of a cafe in Bangkok, Thailand. All of his coffee baristas are deaf, as he wanted to only hire the deaf. He said that in the future he wants the cafe to be run by the deaf without help from the hearing! A picture is at:   -- a deaf superintendent resigns Ernest E. Garrett III resigned from his position as the superintendent of Missouri School for the Deaf. When he previously came on board he became the school's first deaf superintendent. No reason was given for his resignation.   -- sign language app at a museum A musuem at Buckinghamshire, Great Britain has a sign language app that helps deaf visitors enjoy the exhibits. They just point their smartphones at the exhibits and see the sign language video explaining what these are all about. Just wish this was available at all American museums, both public and private.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf optometrist 7/02/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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