DeafDigest - 07 July 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 7, 2020 -- four cats that help the deaf DeafDigest mentioned a while ago that cats may help the deaf. A DeafDigest subscriber has four cats, and they all raise their heads when there is noise coming from the outside. And they also raise their heads when people walk up the stairs. So, dogs do help the deaf, so do the cats.   -- city council compares captioning options In a medium-sized town, the city council has decided to caption its meetings. Three options were brought up. #1 - captions from a public domain app? It cannot be livestreamed and has errors, and speaker identification is not shown. #2 - captions from a provider at a very low cost? It has errors, and voice speech sometimes shows dirty words! #3 - captions from another provider, cost much higher than #2 option? 95 percent accuracy rate with speaker identification; the longer the meeting the higher the cost! The city council, upon recommendation from a local deaf agency, recommended #3   -- preferred accomodation vs reasonable accomodation A deaf employee preferred live interpreter; the employer preferred video interpreting. The deaf employee filed a lawsuit. The jury agreed with the employee with a $775,000 award. The 11th Circuit Appeals court disagreed and threw out the case, making Costco, the defendant, the winner, saying employer can provide reasonable accomodations. Next step - the Supreme Court, which almost just rarely takes on deaf cases?   Deaf jobs - latest update 07/05/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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