DeafDigest - 07 June 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 7, 2019 -- 1 1/2 hour drive for a dental appointment A deaf patient told DeafDigest editor that it is a hour and half drive from her home to keep an appointment with her deaf dentist. There are dentists near her home but they are all hearing and non-signing. The deaf dentist requires all staffers to have signing skills. She said - I just love going to the deaf dentist.   -- praising, not hating the police Many deaf people hate the police. But for one deaf woman she praises the police. Her car had tire trouble. She waved at passing cars, asking for assistance. None stopped to help her. Suddenly a police car arrived. The police officer came over and immediately used fluent ASL to help her get the tire fixed. The police officer is a Coda, hence her skilled signing! It took place in Oklahoma City.   -- deaf person not allowed to become 911 Dispatcher Robert Piscitello is deaf but functions as a hearing person with help of his hearing aids. He teaches music and was a telemarketer in a past job. He wanted to become a 911 Dispatcher in Nassau County (New York). The county refused to hire him because of his deafness, even with two hearing aids allowing him to function well. A lawsuit is coming up. His attorney said his accommodation is just minor - these two hearing aids.     Deaf jobs - latest update 06/02/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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