DeafDigest - 07 March 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 7, 2017 -- a demanding job for young deaf person Many people love to golf. And when they go to golf courses, they hire caddies for two reasons, to carry their golf carts and to advise them on best clubs to use for each shots. This requires communications. And we have a young deaf woman who is a caddy - Amber Heun, who works a golf course in Wisconsin. If she gets good tips from golfers it means one thing - she has done a great job! A picture is at:   -- a praise from Marlee Matlin A praise from Marlee Matlin, who is quite outspoken in her own right. She praised Robert Osborne, not deaf, that departed us. He was a well known movie historian and a movie host with the Turner Movie Classics. Marlee said in a tweet that he was of pure class and one of the first people in Hollywood who supported her breaking barriers. RIP.   -- a doctor overrules a nurse DeafDigest mentioned a few days ago that a deaf British woman was refused admission to a hospital. The nurse thought she was not really a British citizen and not entitled to free medical services. The nurse kept on questioning that deaf woman for three continuous hours, not believing that she was born in Great Britain. A doctor saw it and stopped the nurse from continuing to question her - and immediately gave her the medical treatment she needed. The deaf woman was born in Great Britain but her ancestors were Native Americans! Racism against the deaf? Yes!     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- best waiter in restaurant 3/5/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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