DeafDigest - 07 October 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 7, 2013 -- The biggest deaf scientific accomplishment that never won a Nobel Prize The Associated Press ran a story of five biggest scientific accomplishments that have never won a Nobel Prize. One of these five accomplishments ignored by the Nobel is the Cochlear Implant! One reason is that Nobel awards are not given to deceased people. William House, deceased, was one of the scientists that developed the CI - still living are the other CI pioneers - Graeme Clark, a Coda, Ingeborg Hochmair and Blake Wilson. Certainly for better or worse, the Deaf Community was never the same because of the CI.     -- a powerful, high ranking politician rejects his deaf child Ibrahim Shema is a high ranking, and powerful politician in Nigeria, currently the governor of the state of Katsina. As a young man many years ago he fathered a child, but never married the mother. That child right now is a 26-year old deaf woman. Amina, the deaf woman, wants a face to face meeting with her father. He refuses to have anything to do with her! Amina is now asking the judge for the rights for a DNA testing with Shema!     -- Matt Hamill to fight on October 9th Deaf ultimate fighter Matt Hamill is opposing Thiago Silva, a Brazilian on October 9th in Brazil. Matt retired in 2011 but came back and won his last two matches. Will he win again? People are saying Silva is Matt's toughest opponent. Silva is a better boxer but Matt is a better wrestler. Silva, however, has failed two drug tests in his past five fights! We will see what happens come Wednesday night.     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 10/06/13 Blue edition at: 10/06/13 Gold edition at:

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