DeafDigest - 07 October 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 7, 2019 -- a disappointing dismissal of an interpreting lawsuit The Utah Shakespeare Festival refused to provide interpreters, instead providing only the captions. When the deaf groups protested, the festival people mockingly challenged them to go ahead and file a lawsuit. They did, and the judge quickly dismissed it, saying captions is sufficient. The deaf group is now pondering its next move.   -- Gene Editing; Russia vs USA Seems Russia is in a hurry to "win" the Gene Editing race. They're pretty much pushing hard with this race. The Americans, because of ethical concerns and possible long-term medical consequences, want to take it slow and careful. What this means is that removing the deafness gene has become a priority with the Russian scientists.   -- Deaf Greenhouse wishes to encourage the deaf H Street Greenhouse, in Washington, DC, is not a greenhouse for gardeners but a workspace for future deaf entrepreneurs. It is not too far from Gallaudet. This group is hoping to attract deaf architects, engineers, developers, construction managers and so on. Not too long time ago, a deaf instructor in the Gallaudet Department of Business pushed for such an incubator site for future deaf entrepreneurs. He was not successful. Is H Street Greenhouse sort of same as Weworks? Sort of, in a way, yes!     Deaf jobs - latest update 10/06/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:  

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