DeafDigest - 07 September 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 7, 2016 -- Deaf woman warned not to go cycling Charmaine Chua, a deaf woman of Singapore, wanted to join a hearing cycling club, but was warned by two hearing members to forget it. They felt deaf people cannot cycle! Making it worse, they posted on facebook "shocked" that a deaf woman would try cycling! She would not listen to them and continued to cycle. Eventually these two people backed off. A picture is at:   -- movie theater to show open captions every day The Cinema Chupuki Tabata will be showing captions every day. It was made possible with funds raised by an organiation of the deaf and the disabled. Unfortunately it is not in USA, but in Kita-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Always great to watch open captions without using these captioning devices.   -- a big TV series goof about the deaf Harry Reid, the British actor, wears hearing aids. He has been appearing as "Ben Mitchell" on the wildly popular EastEnders TV series in Great Britain. Viewers know he is deaf because of his hearing aids. Anyway a recent plot was embarrassing. In the plot he was kidnapped by two evil men, and badly beaten up. The "bloodied" deaf actor asked these two evil men: You want me to go deaf? A deaf man asking them to make him deaf! These script writers did not know what they were writing about.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- first TV captioned series 09/04/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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