DeafDigest - 07 September 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 7, 2020 -- Zoom is bad for a deaf defendant A deaf person, defending himself in a criminal case, appeared on the Zoom screen in a court case. His interpreter had serious technical issues with Zoom. Making it worse was time lag delays; muffled voices, and continuous attorney interruptions. Judge's face was also hidden from the Zoom screen. And captions were bad. The judge, giving up, sent the case back for future recall. The defendant later eventually agreed for dismissal of case in exchange attendance in anger management classes.   -- interpreting a job interview A deaf person applied for a job 24 years ago, and got it. That person continued with the job until recent retirement. Who served as interpreter for the deaf person during the job interview? It was the deaf person's son. ADA was already six years old, yet the employer would not hire a professional interpreter for that interview. Fortunately for the deaf person and the employer, it was a great hire, never mind ADA laws were broken!   -- batting average of a deaf district attorney Janine Madera is deaf and serves as the prosecutor in the Orange County District Attorney's office in California. Very challenging for the deaf in the legal profession - but she is considered a success. She has prosecuted 72 jury trials in 15 years and won 58 of these cases, already an impressive batting average. While she functions as a hearing person, she uses an interpreter in the court room. Plus her own bag of tricks (studying body language, and speaking with an authoritative voice, etc). Even with the visibility of an interpreter, many court room observers do not realize her deafness!   Deaf jobs - latest update 09/06/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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