DeafDigest - 08 April 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 8, 2020 -- Deaf Zoom vs Deaf Google Hangouts Who wins - Deaf Zoom vs Deaf Google Hangouts? Well, it was said that Deaf Google Hangouts can carry captions while Zoom has these serious hacking issues! Just beware, make sure you have a I/T expert around before this stuff is installed.   -- sign language and captions blocking each other Deaf people watch many news programs that have both sign language interpreters in one corner and captions, anywhere on the screen - top or middle or bottom. There is always this concern that captions would block sign langauge. Years way back DeafDigest served on the NCI Consumer Advisory group - deaf people in that group all complained that captions and football scores would block out each other. The NCI response was that this problem was "impossible" to be solved!   -- interpreters wearing face masks it is a big nightmare for the deaf when interpreters wear face masks. Cannot lipread. Cannot see facial expressions. Cannot see nothing. Just hope all interpreters will use see-through masks instead of these masks that block the faces.     Deaf jobs - latest update 04/05/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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