DeafDigest - 08 April 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 8, 2021 -- Hollywood diversity officer vs Hollywood casting director Right now Hollwood studios are being asked to hire diversity officers. What this means - no more fake- deaf actors. Will studios accept this idea? What is going to happen to Hollywood casting directors that want to cast fake-deaf actors whereas Hollywood diversity officers tell them - cast real-deaf, not fake-deaf actors for deaf roles? Will be interesting to see how this all develops!   -- easy talk, no action Employers are always saying "we will hire the deaf;" we respect the ADA and support it" Yet when a deaf person applies for a job and is turned away, this easy talk becomes no action DeafDigest editor, over the years, has been discriminated by hearing people that tell him they are very supportive of ADA!   -- deaf person becoming a chancellor Robert Gordon University is a public university in Aberdeen, Scotland. This university has named a new chancellor - and it is Evelyn Glennie, who is deaf and is considered one of the world's most famous musicians. Some questions - is she a graduate of university? Yes - the Royal Academy of Music. As a chancellor, is she the "boss" - the university CEO? No, in the United Kingdom, it more or less is an ambassador of the university, spreading goodwill and making important contacts wherever she travels! Congrats, Evelyn.   Deaf jobs - latest update 04/04/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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