DeafDigest - 08 August 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 8, 2014   -- Famous movie star may not smile for the deaf Kirsten Stewart, a promising young actress that has been playing in the The Twilight Saga films, was written up as the one that never smiles - only when paparazzi tries to take pictures of her. Will she smile for deaf fans that want to take pictures of her? Deaf people are very sensitive to non-smiles and may not like it when Kristen gives them a dirty face.   -- 3D printing may help the deaf DeafDigest mentioned that 3D printing cannot work with CI - but it may help the deaf in another way. It may print a "perfect" hearing aid mold - the one that never whistles and never makes your ear feel sore. We will have to wait and see if it really will work!   -- deaf driver had a reason for running people down Deafdigest mentioned that a deaf driver drove through a mob of hearing people that were celebrating the Zombie Walk in San Diego. The car hit a nearby woman, who was not part of the mob. In a public interview, the deaf driver explained that one person jumped on the hood and smashed the front window. Another one opened the rear door. Frightened for the safety of his deaf family he tried to escape through the mob. The public interview was a surprise. Defense attorneys normally advise their clients to keep quiet until their time comes up in the court.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 08/03/14 Blue edition at: 08/03/14 Gold edition at:  

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