DeafDigest - 08 August 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 8, 2018   -- still continuing with Ninja TV Last year, DeafDigest mentioned that Kyle Schulze, who is deaf, was a new TV Ninja participant. He is still competing in his second season. He has had his disasters during competition but is still surviving. A picture is at:   -- a deaf short film that leaves us with questions Seri Khairuniza, a young deaf Singaporean woman, produced a deaf-theme short film that profiled the lives of a deaf teacher, a deaf accountant and a deaf media expert. A newspaper story praised her filmwork. Still, this film has questions. The producer does not use sign language. Did the three deaf people she profiled use sign language? And if signs were used, how was the deaf producer able to understand the dialogue. Such details this newspaper story did not mention!     -- wasting a Deaf Resource person It is always a mystery that a late-deafened family member would not ask a deaf family member for questions and referrals about the deaf world. Too proud to learn about deaf devices (, late-deafened organizations, deaf services, ADA and then push away people that want to help him. He would then depart us, still knowing nothing for years about things that could have helped him.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- chess is a dangerous activity 08/05/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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