DeafDigest - 08 December 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 8, 2017   -- big announcement by a deaf-owned pizzeria Mozzeria, the deaf-owned pizzeria in San Francisco, is planning to expand its business nationwide. The goal is to provide deaf people with employment in the pizza/restaurant industry. First deaf-owned business to expand nationwide, or at least establish a chain? Definitely, yes! Pictures are at:   -- not allowed to use ASL while crossing the street Deaf people not allowed to use ASL while crossing the street? Well, there is a law proposal in Ontario (Canada) that would disallow "distracted walking" - and this means ASL! Will this law pass? Will there be police officers that watch for ASL people crossing the streets?   -- Tampa had a contract with interpreting agency A Tampa police spokesperson said it was his fault for "allowing" a fake-interpreter to interpret at the press conference. The city had a contract with an interpreting agency and when the woman showed up, everyone assumed the agency sent her - in which the agency never did! An angry person asked: We have so many interpreting agencies and proficient skilled interpreters here where did this person come from and why did they not vet her appropriately?     Latest deaf jobs - today's update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- reasons theaters object to interpreters 12/03/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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