DeafDigest - 08 February 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 8, 2017   -- unanimous deaf vote in Utah House The Utah House voted 73-0 to change the wording from "hearing impairment" to "deaf" in state law books and state code. It is now up to the Senate to vote for it. And then it will be up to the governor to sign it to become a new state law. A picture is at:     -- an unusual deaf announcment We have many deaf politicians from these national deaf. organizations. We also have a number of deaf elected politicans, not affiliated with any of these national deaf organizations. And now this - David Buxton resigned as the head of the British Deaf Association in order to devote his time to a hearing political career (in other words, trying to win a public election). It is akin to a deaf leader from any of our national deaf organizations in USA doing the same thing! It has never happened, yet.   -- Apple sued for discriminating against deaf Apple is facing class action on charges of discriminating against the deaf. It has something to do with its earlier version of FaceTime video-calling service not allowing the deaf to make relay calls. A feature, called "FaceTime break" prevented the deaf from making these relay calls.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf living next to highways 2/5/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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