DeafDigest - 08 February 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 8, 2018 -- lip sync or fake lipreading Is it a joke? There is a "Lip Sync" event at one university; proceeds from that event will support deaf programs. For years famous singers have been accused of fake-singing through lip synching. Is lip synching something that deaf people could lip read? Or is lip synching really an insult to the deaf that try to lipread real lips not fake lips? A picture is at:   -- refusing to meet the Vice President Adam Rippon, who will participate in the Winter Olympics in figure skating, has refused to meet privately with the Vice President. Rippon's reason is personal. Anyway, Rippon was born deaf - the newspaper stories say that his deafness was corrected at the age of one. Is it saying that he wears a CI, which makes him deaf upon taking it off?   -- deaf mayor has experience DeafDigest mentioned a while ago that Amanda Folendorf, who is deaf, was elected mayor of Angels Camp, a small town in Northern part of California. Even though council members are at least 20 years older than her, it does not mean she has no experience. Before becoming a mayor, she served on the council for three years, including one year as a vice mayor. Already town people "booed" her because of her support for regulation of recreational marijuana sales. They wanted her to be recalled (which is the same thing as being fired). At least they are not booing her for her deafness but because she disagreed with them!     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf successes despite no ADA 02/04/18 Blue and Gold editions at:

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