DeafDigest - 08 January 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 8, 2019   -- still deaf but function as hearing OR ex-deaf Robert Peters was appointed by the Democrats to finish the term of Attorney General-elect Kwame Raoul in the Illinois Senate. Peters was born deaf, but said that thanks to an operation at age of 8 he is no longer deaf. The story did not elaborate any further. If it was a CI, then he is still deaf when taking off the CI. Or was it a non-CI operation that completely restored his hearing?   -- Chinese artificial intelligence app Last year Chinese artificial intelligence people came up with an app to help with lip reading for the deaf. But there is fear right now that this app would be used to lip read every body for their own spying purposes.   -- Bumble on Super Bowl Day Deaf dog Bumble, a Lab-chow chow mix, will take part on the Super Bowl Day in the Puppy Bowl 2019 contest. If you wish to adopt that dog, it is too late, just about all and every dogs have already been taken to forever homes - before - the program is aired!     Deaf jobs – latest update 01/06/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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